Creative Counsel

120 Inch Portable Lightweight Indoor Outdoor Backyard 16:9 4K HD Projector Screen, Stand

Pricing Details

Production Time: 20 Working Days
50 $316.67 each
300 $308.33 each
500 $305.00 each
1000 $301.67 each
2000 $186.67 each
The 120 inch projector screen used foldable, washable polyester milk silk material to ensure wrinkle-free after folded, keep it clean, providing high-resolution images, even support front &rear projection. Portable projector screen with tripod is very durable, Lightweight. Stable tripod is perfect for indoor or outdooruse. The screen for projector pairing with grounding spikes, ropes anda sandbag make it to sturdy enough to be used in outdoor.

Normal Production Time
20 Working Days

Product Size
105 IN Long X 77 IN Wide

Additional Information
Price Includes Color: 1 color

Price Includes Side: 1 side

Price Includes Location: 1 location

Location1: Front

Decoration Method: Screen printed

Packaging: Individual Poly Bag
John Davis MAS
Creative Counsel
10225 SW Melnore St
Portland, OR 97225-4364
(503) 292-3999